But are we being taken for a ride?
According to an email Cedar Posts received this week, Charlotte Fire Department's retired Ladder 23 and its crew are heading north to Indianapolis later this month to make a five day appearance at the annual FDIC (Fire Department Instructors Conference), promoting fire department apparatus manufacturer Smeal.
Click on this banner ad from Smeal to see the Ladder 23 promo |
The Smeal company web site promotes the appearance on another page:
Photo Courtesy: Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. |
Now in reserve status, Ladder 23’s long service life is a testament to the durability of Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. Ladder 23's stats are impressive to say the least:
In Service Date: 1/10/2002
Calls: 40,423
Miles: 177,000
Engine Hours: 13,550
Aerial Hours: 301
Fuel: 76,542 Gallons of Diesel
Oil: 1,890 Gallons
Tires: 158
Structure Fires: 806
Vehicle Fires: 201
Photo Courtesy: Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. |
Photo Courtesy: Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. |
Charlotte Ladder Trucks 23 Reserve and New 23 Photo Courtesy: Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. |
Captain Buddy Caldwell of the Charlotte Fire Department sums up the value of a reliable vehicle this way:
"A truck is a fire fighter's life for 24 hours when they're on shift. They trust that truck to be dependable, to get them to every call, and to function the way it's supposed to function when they get there. It's an integral part of their job. And it's all got to work."
Ladder 23 and its crew will be making a special appearance at booth 3537 at FDIC (Fire Department Instructors Conference), April 22-27 in Indianapolis, IN. Attendees are invited to stop and meet the crew and hear stories of Ladder 23's exploits, and share their own experiences.
Photo Courtesy: Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. |
Cedar's Take:
Sounds like a good time will be had by all, except who is paying for this adventure?
Cedar Posts emailed CFD Captain Mark Basnight the department's PIO, asking about the trip, the costs, who was going and who was footing the bill. Captain Basnight responded by saying that our "source/information was inaccurate".
Basnight's, dodge leads CP to assume that you the tax payer is paying for this junket to Indy.
Beyond, employee costs, hours lost, meals and lodging there is the expense of moving a $750,000 piece of equipment 1200 miles round trip.
CP emailed Captain Basnight again asking if he was refusing to confirm or deny that Ladder 23 and Charlotte Fire Department personnel were traveling to Indianapolis for the FDIC event.
At 8:24 p.m. Captain Basnight responded with this carefully crafted reply:
From: "Basnight, Mark"
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2013 20:24:53 +0000
To: Cedar Posts
Cc: McMillan, Kimberly<kmcmillan@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Dulin, Jeffrey<jdulin@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Granger, Richard<rgranger@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Hannan, Jon<jhannan@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Key, Howard<hkey@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Kinniburgh, Robert<rkinniburgh@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Basnight, Mark<mbasnight@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Beteta, Carlos<CBeteta@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Brisley, Robert<rbrisley@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Cannon, Robert<RCannon@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Gilmore, Jackie<jgilmore@ci.charlotte.nc.us>; Gist, Dennis<dgist@ci.charlotte.nc.us>
RE: Trip to Indianapolis
Once again thank you for contacting the Charlotte Fire Department, We sympathize with your quandary, however it is your responsibility and good journalism to allow enough time for an adequate response to meet your deadline. We will offer the following statement:
The Charlotte Fire Department will be allowing three firefighters and a reserve ladder company (formally Ladder 23) to attend the 2013 FDIC in Indianapolis. These three firefighters and the communities they serve will benefit from them attending one of the world’s premiere firefighter training conferences at the expense of the Smeal Corporation. Additional firefighters may choose to attend, however it will be at their own expense.
For any additional information, we stand by our original offer to meet with a representative of Cedar Posts in person to discuss any further details.
If you choose to rest your reputation and credibility on the word of your source that is completely your decision.
(Not including this entire response would be bias, inaccurate, irresponsible and poor journalism).
Eternally committed to duty & service,
Mark Basnight | Captain
Public Information Officer
Office of Media & Public Affairs
Charlotte Fire Department
228 E. 9th Street | Charlotte NC | 28202
704.336.2094 Media & Public Affairs Desk
Based on the above email, it certainly sounds like the trip is on Smeal's nickle.
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