But what remains really shocking are the council members who claim they don't remember voting to approve the purchase.
Dig a little deeper and you'll find that Raleigh and Durham spent considerably less to aquire the contraption and used a Federal grant to pay for it.
CMPD's appetite for new spiffy stuff is boundless. Shot Spoter, ATVs, Dirt Bikes, Take Home UCO Cars, Helo Upgrades, Golf Clubs. The items hidden and glossed over by CMPD that council approves is embarrassing.
Raleigh spent $126,000 on the system, while Durham spent more than $200,000. Both cities used Federal grants to cover Stingray purchase costs.
So where did Charlotte's money come from? Taxpayer pockets, and by default officer salaries.
Have a look at the Harris Company price list.
This just got to have item that most of the country is doing without.
CMPD wants you to believe that Stingray is used only to track serious violent felons. If crime is down and this is such a rare event why not just borrow a unit from the FBI? After all they don't use the system that often, right?
Here's an interesting tidbit from a response to a request made of the North Port Police Department in the Tampa Florida area regarding an arrest where StingRay was apparently used:
"In the past, and at the request of the U.S. Marshalls, the investigative means utilize to locate the suspect have not been revealed so the we may continue to utilize the technology without the knowledge of the criminal element. In reports or deposition we simply refer to the assistance as " received information from a confidential source regarding the location of the suspect"
The reason CMPD has these items and we the taxpayers are paying the price in dollars and our constitutional rights is that these units are up and running 24/7/365 and they are tracking you!
Note to Thugs and Hoodrats, upgrade to 4G and unless the popo has the latest and greatest you are untrackable. As an alternative get a real job and stop your thieving and killing.
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