I am not offended by your sexual perversion in fact I am rather open minded about the entire gay rights issue. But I am offended by your flag and your use of a rainbow to describe yourselves.
I'm offended by your need to parade your sexuality, openly as if it were a badge of honor. Your flag represents intolerance and hate, it represents an agenda to promote your own self centered need for validation.
It is a flag that demands, a flag that has attempted to destroy, and it has attempted to marginalize my Christian beliefs.
It has no place in a St. Patrick's Day Parade, Christmas Parade or any other parade that is meant to be all inclusive any more than a confederate battle flag has a place.
I've seen first hand many of the injustices that people who are LGBT and other, face. Case in point a lesbian couple at Presbyterian hospital who were not allowed the same rights as married spouses. This has been somewhat corrected, now the partner is identified as a "health care advocate" "ombudsman" or other creative term, yet it is not right, fair or just. So I have the greatest sympathy for their situation.
However the Flag is a different story.
In Charlotte the LGBT community has used the flag to bully and force their agenda at a cost to everyone else. Case in point this past weekend's St. Patrick's Day Parade.
When told they couldn't carry the Flag they threatened to carry it anyway and make scene. They called on the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority CEO to withdraw as grand marshal. They called on the city to stop funding the parade and thereby threatened the parades very existence.
When the parade committee said they would allow the flag and even went as far as having the parade emcees announce that the Charlotte Pride Band represented Charlotte's “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender” community the leaders of the LGBT community continued to object, shifting their attention to the Knights of Columbus who volunteer their time to make the parade happen.
The LBGT leaders say it is only about inclusion and their rights, but the flag is not about free speech or acceptance rather it is a divisive symbol, that screams we are different and we demand attention.
The Charlotte Pride Band has no interest in Irish Culture or Heritage, their only interest in the parade is to shout LOOK AT ME, we're different, pay us attention! And as you can see when you give in to this group they come right back and demand more. It wasn't about being included in the parade after all, it was about the K of C and the national Catholic Church's anti gay stance.
The powers that lead Charlotte LGBT community will not be happy until the parade is either a totally gay event or is disbanded altogether. That is their agenda and that is what their rainbow flag represents.
And that is offensive.
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