When you pay too much for cable you get depressed.
When you get depressed you go to a seedy hotel.
When you go to a seedy hotel, you meet an attractive dancer.
When you meet an attractive dancer, you give her money for baby supplies.
When you give her money for baby supplies, her husband punches you in the nose.
Don't get punched in the nose, get rid of cable!
Inspired by real events as reported by WBTV:
According to the Salisbury Police report, a 56 year old man called police to report that he had been assaulted at the Economy Inn on Bendix Drive..
According to police, the man said he was talking to "an attractive dancer" who was staying in room 203. The dancer had earlier borrowed $80 from the man in order to purchase "baby supplies."
When the man asked the dancer about his money, she became upset and called for her husband. The husband and the alleged victim argued, the husband punched the man in the nose and told him that if he ever talked to his wife again, he would kill him.
The dancer and her husband then got into a green Oldsmobile Aurora and left the hotel. The alleged victim was not able to get a license tag number.
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