TWC's Jim Cantore Repels Attacker With a Classic Well Executed Move |
During the live shot, Cantore seems to take the attack in stride and with a apparently good sense of on air humor.
But he's not happy with Charlotte's WBTV for airing an interview with the punk (below) who claim's it is his 15 minutes of fame. He's not happy about the world, posting the clip on YouTube or tweeting about it either.
While the little thug took a knee to the groin for his effort, Cantore kicked it into the bonus round when he tweeted "Hey @wbtv_news by giving the kid his 5 minutes of fame. You've just opened the door for this ridiculous behavior on countless reporters".
Cantore, it seems has a sensitive side and this attack has apparently bruised his ego.
Truth is, this happens time and time again to reporters doing live shots. Honestly I'm surprised Cantore hasn't been the target before. He's nearly as well know as Barbara Walters, in fact I'm hard pressed to think of any weather guy better know expect maybe Mark Mathis.
Cleary TWC doesn't understand that The College of Charleston is the go to school for well off parents to send their kids who couldn't get in to USC or UNC. If you can pay the near Harvard tuition price you'll get accepted.
Next time he comes to Charleston I would suggest The Citadel.
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